Happy Independence Day!
Today is a holiday.
§ 25-2-1 Rhode Island Independence Day.– The fourth day of May in each and every year is established, in this state, as a day for celebration of Rhode Island independence, being a just tribute to the memory of the members of our general assembly, who, on the fourth day of May, 1776, in the State House at Providence, passed an act renouncing allegiance of the colony to the British crown and by the provisions of that act declared Rhode Island sovereign and independent, the first official act of its kind by any of the thirteen (13) American colonies.
That is correct. Rhode Island unilaterally declared its own independence a full two months before the other 12 colonies copied our idea. So for all of that bluster about the Texan Republic*, RI actually had the guts to renounce foreign control in the face of the the whole British Empire.
It goes without saying that RI is one of the finest states, but here are a list of further reasons why we're great. A recurring theme is foresight when it comes to matters of governance.The only significant mistakes were Harding, Nixon's 2nd term (but only by 3%), and some of those lesser-known people like Pierce and Garfield/Arthur.
So to anyone still thinking that history will vindicate our current President, I say, look to Rhode Island, my friend. He lost here both times, with RI being his worst and second-worst state. Right now his approval rating is 16%. There really isn't anyone who didn't win RI, but turned out to do a good job (with the possible exception of Cleveland or James K. Polk). And Bush Jr. is no James K. Polk.
So respect Rhode Island. We gave you religious freedom and Forth of July Parades and we can take them away.
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