fish, rest thyself
the namesake of this website, my goldfish, who inspired the non-sequitur title through his frequent resillience, has finally passed away. although he may have been a very small pet, he was a constant presence in my life for three years. watching him swim around next to my desk never failed to cheer me up--and merely by being there he managed to give me much more than he was aware of. he intrepidly logged hundreds of miles going back and forth from school, and took most of the sting out the transitory nature of my college existance. over the course of his life, he lived in seven different rooms and bounced back from countless illnesses that would have done in lesser goldfish.
if it is possible for a fish to be enthusiastic, he most definately was; and it was always comforting to see that, pre-frontal cortex or not, there was at least one creature who was always happy to have me around. i certainly felt the same way, and i hope that somehow, he knew it.
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